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Selling Local: Stories | Tips | Service

Oct 29, 2018

On this week's episode of Selling Local, we get down and dirty on the subject of marketing with the President of the American Marketing Association's UCF Chapter, Jack Kimmel. Tune in to learn more about the organization and their role at UCF along with Jack's story, his experience in marketing for a local copier sales...

Oct 15, 2018

Another episode of Selling Local! We know, you are stoked! We are too. This week we are talking about community. We give you a perspective on what community truly means, and just how different they are from one to the next. How do you harness the power of your community? How do you support one another inside of the...

Oct 8, 2018

Welcome to Selling Local! This episode is packed full of action from start to finish. Learn more about the Copier Warrior's sweat glands, glean from his lesson in perseverance, and hear his take on The Holiday's. Why is the Holiday Season so important? Because of the culture and principles behind each one. Join us, all...

Oct 1, 2018

Today, The Copier Warrior himself has gone rogue and is sharing stories with his loyal listeners on yet another solo episode! Tune in and listen to the first time Dale Dupree turned a LinkedIn connection into a first appointment. We are diving deeper into the relationship built during this process, and how it can be...