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Selling Local: Stories | Tips | Service

Dec 17, 2018

Get ready Selling Local listeners, we have a sales podcast for you today that will blow your socks right off! The one and only David Masover is joining us to speak wisdom straight to your ears. We talk about getting started in sales, sales management, Budapest, and all kinds of entertaining topics! So grab your popcorn...

Dec 10, 2018

This week on Selling Local, we are tackling a common occurrence for door to door sales people. The dreaded "no soliciting" sign! Most sales reps all think they same thing when they see the sign... Should I go in or should I turn around? But what's the real issue with a no soliciting sign? Why do people put them up in...

Dec 3, 2018

This week on Selling Local, we are discussing territory in a non-traditional way. What does it mean to wander your territory? What kind of mindset are we trying to translate. You will have to hit play and crank this one up to 11 in order to find out. No spoilers in this description! Get ready to open your mind as...

Nov 5, 2018

This week on the Selling Local Podcast, we are discussing quotas and how much we despise them. But, they might not be for the reasons you think... Mostly because we think deeper than most! So dive deep alongside us and learn more about what we think about quotas and what your mindset should be in order to achieve...

Oct 29, 2018

On this week's episode of Selling Local, we get down and dirty on the subject of marketing with the President of the American Marketing Association's UCF Chapter, Jack Kimmel. Tune in to learn more about the organization and their role at UCF along with Jack's story, his experience in marketing for a local copier sales...